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Linking and Unlinking Initiatives

Initiatives attached to a Transition Card or an SDGs Alignment Card that have been linked to another card can be linked or unlinked at any time.


To view which Initiatives are linked between a Transition Card and a SDGs Alignment Card, you will need to:


1. Select the Transition Card or SDGs Alignment Card you want to view​


2. Click on the Details tab at the top of the screen


  • The Details screen will display a list of Initiatives and whether they are present on both the SDGs Alignment Card and Transition Card that are linked together.


  • The column marked This Card will indicate whether the Initiative is Present or Missing on the card that is currently being viewed 


  • The Linked Card column will indicate whether the Initiative is Present or Missing on the card that this one is linked to.


At the end of each Initiative is a check box


  • Check boxes with a marked tick show that the Initiative on this card is currently linked and active with the linked card. Any updates to this Initiative will be automatically updated on the same Initiative in the linked card.


  • Check boxes that are not marked with a tick show that the Initiative on this card is not actively linked with the linked card. This means that any updates to this Initiative will not appear in the same Initiative on the linked card. 


Linking Initiatives.png


Linking and Unlinking Initiatives


From the same Details page, you can link and unlink Initiatives at any time.


To link an Initiative between a SDGs Alignment Card and a Transition Card that is currently linked


1. Check that the Initiative is marked as Present in the columns of both This Card and Linked Card 


2. Click on the check box at the end of the Initiative to create a blue tick box


3. Click the Update button on the bottom right-hand side to save the changes


Any updates to this Initiative will now appear on both the SDGs Alignment Card and the Transition Card that are linked


Linking Present initiatives.png

If the Initiative that you wish to link is NOT marked as Present on both cards (ie, in the columns This Card and Linked Card, the Initiative is marked as Present in one and Missing in the other)


1. Click the check box to perform the action as stated in the Action column. This will create the Initiative on the card that is Missing and link that Initiative between the SDGs Alignment Card and the Transition Card.


  • In the example below the first two Initiatives are Missing on the current card, and the third Initiative is Missing on the Linked Card. By checking the first two boxes only the first two Initiatives will be created on the Linked Card. The third Initiative will appear only on the current card but not the linked card. 


2. Click the Update button on the bottom right-hand side to save the changes


Any updates to this Initiative will now appear on both the SDGs Alignment Card and the Transition Card that are linked

Linking Missing Initiatives.png

To unlink an Initiative between a SDGs Alignment Card and a Transition Card that is currently linked


1. Click on the blue check box at the end of the Initiative you wish to unlink


2. Click the Update button on the bottom right-hand side to save the changes


Any updates added to this Initiative on either the SDGs Alignment Card or the Transition Card will NOT be updated on the other linked card

Linking Initiatives 2.png



Bulk Initiative Linking and Unlinking

If you wish to link all the Initiatives at once


1. Click the Linked? check box to mark it as blue with a tick


All Initiatives listed as Present on both cards will be marked with a blue check box and now be linked. Any Initiatives marked as Missing will be created on the relevant SDGs Alignment Card or Transition Card. They will now be marked with a blue check box and be listed as Present in the This Card and Linked Card columns


2. Click the Update button on the bottom right-hand side to save the changes



To unlink all the Initiatives at once


1. Click the Linked? check box twice to mark it as an empty box


All Initiatives listed will have an empty check box and will now be unlinked between the linked SDGs Alignment Card and the Transition Card


2. Click the Update button on the bottom right-hand side to save the changes


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