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Filtering a Thematic Network Map

Filtering Network Maps

Using the Target Network Map function you can filter the view of the SDGs Alignment Card Network Map by Organisation and by Initiative to highlight specific connections between SDGs goals and targets. By filtering, you will be able to also be able to see opportunities where organisations or initiatives can stretch their contributions to goals that are connected by not addressed. 


To do this you need to:

1. Click on the SDGs Alignment Cards icon on the left-hand side menu bar

2. Select the SDGs Alignment Card from the list that you wish to view

3. Click on the Target Network Map tab

This will show you the Target Network Map for the whole SDGs Alignment Card you have chosen


SDGs Network Map Unfiltered.png


4. From here you can use the drop-down menu boxes on the top right-hand side menu to select which Organisation and / or Initiative you wish to filter the map by.

Target Network Maps can be filtered by:

  • Organisation

  • Initiative

  • Or both at the same time

Multiple Organisations and Initiatives can be selected at one time.


SDGs Network Map Drop Down.png


In the following example, you can see the Network Map filtered by one Organisation only (eg, Adapt Greenville)​


The dark grey nodes shown on the filtered map are the SDGs that are linked to the filtered Goals that do not currently have any 'Actual' or 'Planned' Goals attached to them


SDGs Network Map Organisation.png


In the following example you can see the Target Network Map filtered by one Initiative only (eg, Focus Group Program)


SDGs Network Map Initiative.png

In the following example you can see the Target Network Map filtered by both an Organisation and an Initiative (eg, Adapt Greenville Organisation and Focus Group Program Initiative)


SDGs Network Map Org and Ini.png


5. To clear the filters you have selected, you can either:

  • Click the X next to the name of the Organisation or Initiative you have selected

  • Or click the arrow icon next to the drop-down menu to clear all the Organisations or Initiatives selected


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