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Moving Feast

Moving Feast is a collective of victorian social enterprises. The social enterprises joined forces to provide culturally-appropriate food relief during Covid-19 to tens of thousands of vulnerable people. Now the collaboration is embarking on the next phase of the journey: to transform Victoria’s food system to be fair, connected and regenerative.

Thematic Social Enterprises 

A collaboration of social enterprises

What is Moving Feast

Moving Feast is an Australian systems innovation project catalysed by the social enterprise sector to transition the food system to become fair and regenerative. Moving Feast’s initial focus was to provide emergency food relief in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.  


In Year 2, Moving Feast moved beyond pandemic food relief toward its longer-term goal of transforming the food system.  Understanding that this would require an ecosystem of responses, Moving Feast has supported the formation of a holistic, relationship-based innovation food network. This ‘solution ecosystem’ comprises 19 initiatives and 45 partnering organisations. These organisations include social enterprises, government, universities and funders.


Moving Feast has partnered with Wicked Lab to track their system's transition using the online Tool for Systemic Change. The Tool is enabling the collaborating social enterprises within Moving Feast to visualise and measure their system change contribution, adaptive dynamics and ecosystem structure. These insights will be used to strengthen individual, and collective systems change efforts.


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